
Jyoti’s paintings combine nature with imagination and insight with the beauty and mystery of nature. As a landscape painter she is often on the verge of impressionism and could also be an environmentalist.

H.E. K. R. Narayanan

Former President of India

Jyoti Nagpal is a talented artist. This exhibition highlights her still life, abstract and especially some lovely landscapes. Congratulations…

H.E. Dr. Karan Singh

Visionary Indian Statesman & Cultural Ambassador

Most fascinating art exhibition in my life…

Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan

Founder President, Amity Education Group

The extent to which Jyoti Nagpal has achieved her hold on the medium, offers us a rich fare and promise of much more.

Satish Gujral

Renowned Indian Artist and Sculptor

Jyoti’s conceptual skills are slick, color blends imaginative and thoughtful.

The Statesman

… different brush strokes are able to bring out the different qualities of texture and give one the feeling of myriad forms of life that teem in a forest.

The Pioneer

…magical play of shadow and light…

The Sunday Observer

The vanishing beauty of nature comes alive in full form.

Evening News

Jyoti’s gentle temperament has depicted the lively, vibrant and generous character of nature and skilfully brought it alive on canvas.


Lilies in pond that reflects the evening rays of the sun, palm fronds in the blazing desert, a spontaneous burst of autumnal reds and oranges: Jyoti’s paintings reflect the myriad moods of nature.


She is a very talented artist who has brought out the beauty of nature at its best.

Sheikh Fahim bin Sultan Al Qasimi

Minister of Economy & Commerce, UAE

… her paintings are rich and full of color and reflect her emotions…

Sheikh Fahim bin Sultan Al Qasimi

Minister of Economy & Commerce, UAE

… you can almost see the details in a blade of grass, the texture of foliage, the glass like surface of the still pond. Jyoti, above all, captures mood and texture in her paintings like few others.
… the different strokes of brush bring to focus the throbbing of life in the sprouting of a seed even in a hostile terrain of rock and sand.
The Artist has articulated perfectly the harmony that should exist between man and nature.
Don’t be surprised if you are tempted to take the winding path that runs through her lush Rain Forest.

Khaleej Times

A picture, they say, is a poem without words. The wisdom of the statement strikes you when you see her paintings: each brims with emotion to tell of an intensely felt experience.
… Jyoti’s paintings bear fleeting acknowledgment to impressionism…

Gulf News

Everything is happy and wonderful in Nagpal’s nature and almost fairytale-ish.

Gulf News Tabloid

Jyoti’s tryst with nature is written all over her paintings – her abiding love for the outdoors and her almost near obsession with trees are reflected in her works in wonderful details.
… Jyoti’s works evoke an instant response of positive emotion.
The attention to detail and the artist’s innate love for the subject pour out on canvas in distinct strokes of the brush and the knife.

Emirates News